Saturday, November 28, 2009
Simple breathing & Meditation technique
Breathe in slowly and deeply through the nose to a count of 10,so that the abdomen expands but not the chest rise.Exhale through the nose,slowly and completely.Repeat 5-10 times.Counting through the each cycle in a concentrated way relaxes your mind.Repeat this several times a day.
Meditation technique :-
Wearing loose and comfortable clothing,sit comfortably upright in a pleasant place and closes your eyes.Breathe deeply from your abdomen.Imagine a radiation point of the light behind the forehead for 5 min.Think of this as outpouring of positive energy.Don't worry if thoughts also drifts across the mind,just let them pass.
Monday, November 2, 2009
¨ The Winner is always part of the answer;
The Loser is always part of the problem.
¨ The Winner always has a program;
The Loser always has an excuse.
¨ The Winner says, "Let me do it for you";
The Loser says, "That is not my job."
¨ The Winner sees an answer for every problem;
The Loser sees a problem for every answer.
¨ The Winner says, "It may be difficult but it is possible";
The Loser says, "It may be possible but it is too difficult."
¨ When a Winner makes a mistake, he says, "I was wrong";
When a Loser makes a mistake, he says, "It wasn't my fault."
¨ A Winner makes commitments;
A Loser makes promises.
¨ Winners have dreams;
Losers have schemes.
¨ Winners say, "I must do something";
Losers say, "Something must be done."
¨ Winners are a part of the team;
Losers are apart from the team.
¨ Winners see the gain;
Losers see the pain.
¨ Winners see possibilities;
Losers see problems.
¨ Winners believe in win-win;
Losers believe for them to win someone has to lose.
¨ Winners see the potential;
Losers see the past.
¨ Winners are like a thermostat;
Losers are like thermometers.
¨ Winners choose what they say;
Losers say what they choose.
¨ Winners use hard arguments but soft words;
Losers use soft arguments but hard words.
¨ Winners stand firm on values but compromise on petty things;
Losers stand firm on petty things but compromise on values.
¨ Winners follow the philosophy of empathy:
"Don't do to others what you would not want them to do to you";
Losers follow the philosophy,
"Do it to others before they do it to you."
¨ Winners make it happen;
Losers let it happen.
¨ Winners plan and prepare to win.
The key word is preparation.
pass GMAT
GMAT Material 2
GMAT Manhattan
GMAT Math OG 11 Review
GMAT Critical Reasoning
GMAT Reading & Comprehension
McGraw-Hill’s GMAT 2008 Ed. (with 6 full-length practice tests)
GMAT Useful Material
GMAT - Vocabulary List
GMAT Official Guide
GMAT - Vocabulary List[1].pdf
A Template Approach to the GMAT Essay.doc
GMAT Maths .doc
GMAT Critical reasoning.doc
GMAT AWA strategy.doc
Norman Lewis's Word Power Made Easy (.zip)
OG11 (.pdf )
Popular GMAT preparation forums
Beat The GMAT Forum
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GMATxperts Forum
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Lets discuss about the clothes,we want to wear.
I don't care for the clothes i wear.I used to wear what is not torned out too much and which doesn't shows vulgurity,or which cover bodies & save from harash environment.I realy don't want to care for my clothes.Actually clothes only make a man handsome in looking which is really a vogous concept according to me.NO BRAND but SEXY WOULD WORK.i only say that"Brand doesn't work I work".
Now its yur time what u think abt cloths u here.i am waitin !!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Genre: sOCIAL
Rating: ***/****
This movie really depicting the relation between mystic social condition of india & its development.indian life is full of crime & hatred.Noone is believing others.everyone is hatred of each other.every group is hatred of other language in india is used all over india.
with so much disturbance india is developing....developing in every field.Although everywhere is problem,everyone is happy.everyone is believing in something & this something is god.
crushing dialog
"every1 makes mistakes"
"sabse pehle bachhe apne maa-baap ki nakal sikhte hai,fir duniya ki"
"bihar bhi to hindustan me hai"
"our country is changing step by step.keep patience"
"roko roko roko roko ... .......... ........... .. ............"
value of india to this world.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Improve Your Memory
Can’t remember names, dates – or even why you walked into a room? Luckily, there are lots of things you can do to increase your memory power.
Spring for organic grape juice; organic fruits and vegetables have 40% more antioxidants than non-organic ones.
Need to remember a name? Picture it written across the person’s forehead; the visual image will help you remember it later. This was a favorite trick of Franklin Roosevelt, who was renowned for his ability to remember names.
Repeat whatever you need to memorize – a name, an address, a phone number – when you first hear it. Saying it out loud helps lock it into your memory.
If you’re trying to memorize something, do it on an empty stomach. The hormone that improves memory is highest when the stomach is empty.
Be a social butterfly. One study found that people who socialize regularly do far better on memory tests than their less outgoing counterparts, since participating in conversations exercises the brain.
The average person forgets 30% of what he’s heard after 20 minutes, and 50% of what he’s heard within half an hour!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Live your Life
sometime on the way you are going you might think its a worst time in my life but you know where at the end of row you avoid adversely you can give what you want to remember whatever on key you make strong to avoid adversity adversily on the way to top you can do anything perhaps you get your life back you have to get to.
yeah smart to learn.
Log on to the power of ideas
why is innovation suddenly gaining such currency?Innovation-led growth, innovation-led recovery, innovation-led competitiveness all these are not mere slogans they are a hard reality.
Innovation is all about converting ideas into new or improved products, processes and services. India's world ranking on innovation is low. According to a survey, among 130 countries, India is ranked only 41 in the innovation index.Even Malaysia (25) and China (37) are ahead of India. Singapore and Korea are in the top 10.
- Ashok Jhunjhunwala of IIT, Madras, develops the wireless local loop technology. It gets implemented first in Madagascar, Angola and Brazil before it does so in India!
- The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research's New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative gave the challenge and funding for the creation of a low-cost computer to entrepreneur Vinay Deshpande, who created a mobile personal computer. But the first such PC will be produced this year in Malaysia and Brazil and not in India.
- Due to the limitations in India's patent laws, the phytopharmaceutical breakthrough medicine on psoriasis by an Indian company will be commercialised first in the West, not in India. And one can go on.
Research in typically Indian innovation has brought out how some Indians can make the seemingly impossible possible.
Why do we fail in completing the journey from an Indian mind to an Indian marketplace? Because India lacks a robust national innovation ecosystem. The essential elements of a powerful ecosystem comprise physical, intellectual and cultural constructs. Beyond mere research labs it includes idea incubators, technology parks, a conducive intellectual property rights regime, enlightened regulatory systems, academics who believe in not just 'publish or perish', but 'patent, publish and prosper', potent inventor-investor engagement, adventure capital and passionate innovation leaders.
Such and other recent path-breaking events compel me to make five suggestions to kickstart the 'Indian decade of innovation'.
- First, change the 'ministry of science & technology' to 'ministry of science & innovation', boldly bringing the innovation agenda upfront.
- Second, create an ambitious national innovation policy, going way beyond our science and technology policy (2003).
- Third, set up a powerful mechanism to implement this policy by creating a National Innovation Council comprising world-class innovation leaders. Make the council autonomous, empowered and accountable. Give it the mandate of putting India among the top 10 innovative nations within this 'decade of innovation'.
- Fourth, drive inclusive growth by launching an 'Indian Inclusive Innovation Initiative' based on the tenets of Gandhian engineering.
- Fifth, launch a national innovation movement like our freedom movement, so that innovation becomes every Indian's obsession.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
- Actuality - the feeling of being there.
- Debate - the opportunity to interject, the tone of voice, another level.
- Emotion - the tone of the voice communicating more than words alone.
- Providing background - in other words, next to an edited text interview the journalist can post the interview in full (what is sometimes called ‘wild footage’) much more quickly than if they were to transcribe the whole thing.
- Podcasting. It’s about convenience - time shifting, people not having to visit your website.
Friday, July 24, 2009
A whackiest but intell.. Project
At login screen there is option of browse button which browses only removable drives & select the image which is password.
Actually any file can be protect by image password.
At the place of text entering area,there is the option of image browse option.
Let there is possibility of loosing of image file,then how file can be cracked.actually whole file of image is not the password.Only a part of image file is the password whose location in the file is referenced @ 1st line of image file,when image file is opened in the text editor.
Project Manager
Rajesh Patidar,Napster
compiled by
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Temp-i.e. extract from the combination of movies,books or whatever
stalking me
there is ample for all.
a peripatetic music teacher.
she just parrots anything that her mom says.
she looks toxic
that's a really pathetic
its so incredable
pretty stuffs
i will come by tomorrow
pretty sure
she is nuts abt me.
on my give me fuckin' phone call
i like better than nothing
she is sexy butterfly
pleased 2 meet u
your lips(words) are lovely deep & dark i have promise 2 keep before miles to go before u sleep.
wow u looks amazing
He faced a barrage of questions
redolent=fragrent(the mountain air was so redolent with the scent of pine trees
bungle = to do something wrong in a very careless or stupid way
goad = encourage
elucidate=make clear,clarify
gesticulate=to make gesture or motion
its my job to take rational decisions decision that arenot for me but for the people
stop sneaking like that
ram ji ke pas hai sabke liye masala
losing their political ascendancy
microcosm = The world on a small scale
an inordinate amount of time(inordinate = excessive)
a palpable effect(palpable = touchable, obvious, real)
ascendancy = powerful state
delinquent = negligent, culpable
witless = Foolish
extraneous = not essential
cordial = friendly
posthumous = after death
seraphic = angelic, pure
dire = dreadful
grapple = struggle
questionnaire = interrogation
harder I work, the more luck I seem to have
Always make a total effort,even when the odds are against you
travail = work, drudgery
suave = smooth
Boldness has genius,power and magic in it
pragmatic = practical
Enthusiasm spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment
jest = joke
procrastinate = to delay, postpone, put off
dolt = a stupid person
soaring energy
you are slack
she is so resolute gal
casuistry = clever argument to trick people
slate = list of candidates
makes other laugh whatever it costs.
he threw tantrums
mentor = wise adviser
don't be irate
She looked up at me sharply, clearly nettled by the interruption
noise is not conducive to a good night's sleep
a man of unimpeachable integrity and character
onus = burden
his heart is full of vengeance
there is two wolfs fighting in every man's heart one is love & other is hate.the one you feed the most wins.
enamored = charmed, captivated
libation = drink
mediocre = average
nosegay = a bouquet, a bunch of flowers
consummate = perfect, having great skills, complete, accomplished
incidental = insignificant, minor
arguments that obfuscated the main issue
he isn't polyglot
I attribute my success to serendipity serendipity = making fortunate discoveries
committing perjury perjury = lying
"Energy is the essence of life. Every day you decide how you're going to use it by knowing what you want and what it takes to reach that goal, and by maintaining focus."
quacks sell nostrum
i'll decipher all the code of this system
An effeminate man entered the room
he has cross the stint
Love burgeoned between them
a benevolent action
clandestine = secret
its a niche choice
"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."
reticulated = covered with a network
be sedate
orison = prayer
colloquial = informal speech
i don't like swindler
evasive = elusive
the wise man told parables (parable = allegory)
he admired the refulgent moon
She's too parsimonious to give a party
he is a penchant for hacking
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
incarcerate = to put in a jail
mote = speck, small particle
inevitable = Unavoidable
she apprehended anybody
The upshot of the discussions is that
he incited racial hatred
tithe = donate one-tenth
don't rebuke(rebuke = criticize)
That's a most becoming dress
never bane others
He walked with a slow stiff gait
dauntless = courageous
always have verdure food
a novel idea
introspective songs
inconceivable = unthinkable
a gregarious person
she is flagrant(flagrant = outrageous, shameless)
turn left to go to the annex
i am opportunist
defray = pay
His poetry is imbued with religious feelings (imbue = infuse, dye, wet)
I am a rocket scientist, but music is my avocation
She made a desultory attempt at conversation(desultory = without direction in life)
chiropodist = one who treats disorders of the feet
stringent = severe, strict
the training is nothing,will is everything
deceive = trick
acme = summit, highest point
amass enormous wealth()
she got the nice moves..
if anyone does something good to you then you can say that it is so inventive & ...
we have seen each other through everything
she got the nice moves
i am not boy(girl) once i was.
ladys & gentleman please give it up for the dazzling vocal stylings of miss samanwita mishra.
i do the same
it sound like a great oppurtunity
its a horrible.
bite the bullet!!!
there is alot of memories.
i love her tranquility(tranquility = Calmness )
champion = to defend or support
an opportune moment
a radical thinker
viable solution,viable man
explain the prefatory part(prefatory = introductory)
The motion of the car almost lulled her to sleep(lull = moment of calm)
female pulchritude(pulchritude = beauty)
comely = a woman who is attractive in appearance
reticent = reserved
a germane answer(germane = Relevant )
he was in love with his consort(consort = spouse)
she felt snubbed
stereotyped = over simplified, lacking individually, seen as a type
purloined from the office(puloin==to steal)
have a big goals.
you r d avrg of what,with whom u live?
a winsome girl(winsome=charming)
scurrilous = abusive, insulting
Start today to spend a few minutes in the morning to repeat to yourself the beliefs you want to have or you want to become stronger within yourself.
diffidence = shyness, lack of confidence
Victory belongs to the most persevering(said by nepoleon)
it worked to be brilliant
when i say you,you say you.
for everyone who fired & for everyone who got dumped.
she is joy's bitch
do you wanna to marry to me..girl said that i do want to marry to you.
acknowledge = to recognize or accept(acknowledged expert)
morale = spirit, confidence
propitious = auspicious, favorable
the sudden question flustered the student(fluster = confuse)
volition = free will
depth of eye tell the secret of the heart
you r the one i love you are the one i wait for
sweetmaiden has piereced my heart
her body sparkles like stone
my life has blossomed(jindgi hua nihal)
the crux of the problem
tyro = beginner
shrewd = clever(a shrewd politician)
tribulations = distress, suffering
supersede = replace(this agreement supersedes all old agreements)
ulterior = hidden, covert(an ulterior motive)
a menial job(menial = humble, degrading)
the agility of the acrobat amazed the audience(agility = nimbleness)
u have a problem with your candour
thank you for your time u can hit the door
grab yurself rock or chair
you r dismissed
hello!!give me a break
enumerate the contents(enumerate = count, list, itemize)
exegesis of a passage(exegesis = interpretation)
an audacious claim(audacious = Fearless, bold, daring)
adroit = skillful, accomplished, highly competent
French cuisine
Music washes away from the soul
the dust of everyday life.
the dulcet sounds of birds at the dawn(dulcet = melodious)
The first requisite of success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem without growing weary
dapple=u r having dapple
sense memory,simulated perception,altered consciousness memory retrieval
she is sorta cool
what a hunk of junk!
hit the pavement
don't put my advice to shame
youare nothing but hound dog
fantabulous prize
sala branded fool hai
you are a great picture
Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success
firstly boy said r u flirting with me then girl said not @ all.r u flirting with me?boy answered it depends.does it working girl said not at all.
man said "i have to tell you something"woman said "you do?".man said"i do".woman asked that"is it a secret"man said"sort of".woman said "tell me".man told "i adore you"woman said i adore you too.
Energy is the essence of life. Every day you
decide how you're going to use it by knowing
what you want and what it takes to reach
that goal, and by maintaining focus.
Success doesn't come to you,
you go to it.
it's time to start living the life
you've imagined
You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.
Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you
this'll give a real buzz
you develop a killer instinct
sounds great man/mam
intrepid=a team of intrepid explorers
it's a fascinating
continue...go on....prinkle away
wuss=astupid person
i am saying that i love you.i'm in love with you and i've been waitin' my whole life for someone like you,and i'm not gonna let you go.
beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
The secret of getting started is breaking your complex,overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one."
Im confused inside a little hazy but mellow
faith is a is a hunch,really.its a hunch that there is something bigger connecting all.
yaa totaly out of the blue
she is very adult
it is okay,ya its morethan okay.
i have something simple that i would like to discuss with you.
i'm stunned,i'm paralysed
flirtations,little movement
i want to stop being me,start being me
summer breeze makes me feel fine,blowing through the jusmine in my mind
try the car
i have got my heart started
don't be paranoid
i believe that nicotine isn't addictive..
spoof-deceive jokingly,a parody,a hoax
i am such a plethora
hi angel
i endorred you
i pretend to be programmer.
thank problem.
smelling your little smell,walking yur little your walk.
live now.Life is short.Time is luck.
Friday, June 26, 2009
I look forward every morning to new era-a long way to go ahead, with always a brighter tomorrow.
Let the fire, the bright sunshine, the wonderful mother earth, the cool breeze, the pure water- the five elements of nature shower their blessing on me.
I shall try to be a better individual with a more positive and optimistic approach to life.
I shall never fret over yesterday, for yesterday is buried.
I shall live this day to the fullest and look forward to a brighter tomorrow.
Angels & Demons and Pirates of silicon valley and ultraviolet II
well i'll be damned.
you sound sceptical.
i'm an academic not a priest.
one doesn't need to have cancer to analyze the symptoms.
reveberating through the wall.
progresss was mother earth is ultimate malignancy.
sapre us.
science needs to survive its own blunder at any cost for everyone's shake.
Pirates of silicon valley
success is a menance,its fools smart people itno thinking they cann't lose .
so,you moron.
what?..... what? ......... what???............
odd artist copy great artist steals.
my harddisk crashed- A computer guy with memory problem.
stop horsing around
its a great to hangout with you.
Ultraviolet II
you cann't make it in.thanx for the vote of confidense.
i am a titan, a monolite.
its just about to.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
each thread has two execution call stacks allocated for it by the JavaVM. One stack is used to keep track of Java method calls and local variables. The other stack is used to keep track of native code (typically, C code) calls.
native, final, static, and synchronized.what are they modifier.
class is the logical construct upon which the entire Java language is built because it defines the shape and nature of an object.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Addison Wesley - Inside Internet Security What Hackers Don't Want - 2000
Hacker is a programmer who was particularly proficient at dealing with the intricacies of complex software.
hacking is felony.
each company must strike an appropriate balance between risk and company.
The best time for risk analysis(RA) is before you have been hit-not after.
The flip side of 99.9% of security is the 0.1% of vulnerability.
what u don't know can hurt you
hackers knows what u don't know
yesterday' strong crypto is today's weak crypto.
In the realm of information warfare,information is both the hacker's prize and your best means of defending it.
A firewall,quite simply is a device that acts as a buffer between trusted network and untrusted network.
The four main categories of firewall technologies are:
a)packet filtering
b)stateful packet inspection
c)application-level proxies
d)circuit-level proxies
Firewall is viewed as a first line of defence and not the total solution.
if a password is easy to remember then it's also probably easy to guess.
a cracker would have to be unbelievely unlucky if every passibility had to be tried to break a given password.
lopht employed hackers cracked 90% of the passwords in under 48 hours on a pentium II/300.
pardon me but buffer is overflowing.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
napster'gtalk tag updated till 24thmay
1 googol = 10 ^ ( 100)
cross the limit and happiness 'll be under your feet.
it's one thing we don't understand here,its doubt.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Echelon (signals intelligence)
The following is an extract from an article by Ian Thomson in August's PCmag.
The EU has warned all businesses and private individuals to adopt encryption technology in light of the existence of Echelon. In a 92page report, the EU committee concluded that, while there was no evidence that Echelon was being used to steal commercial secrets, basic encryption would provide reasonable protection.
The EU news report can be found here:
Gordano products support the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for the transmission of messages, using SSL encryption you will ensure your privacy is maintained. GMS Secure Socket Layer keys for GMS can be obtained free of charge by contacting
Echelon is valium perhaps the most tramadol powerful intelligence gathering organization xanax in the world. Several hydrocodone credible reports soma suggest that this global electronic communications surveillance system presents an extreme threat levitra to the privacy of people all over the world. According to these reports, ECHELON attempts to capture staggering volumes of satellite, microwave, cellular and fiber-optic traffic, including communications to and from North America. This vast quantity of voice and data communications are then processed through propecia sophisticated filtering technologies.
This massive surveillance system apparently operates with little oversight. Moreover, the agencies that purportedly run ECHELON have provided few details as to the legal guidelines for the project. Because of this, there is no way of knowing if ECHELON is being used illegally to spy on private citizens.
Echelon is an officially unacknowledged U.S.-led global spy network that operates an automated system for the interception and relay of electronic communications. Monitored transmissions are said to include up to 3 billion communications daily, including all the telephone calls, e-mail messages, faxes, satellite transmissions, and Internet downloads of both public and private organizations and citizens worldwide. Led by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), Echelon is operated collaboratively by the intelligence agencies of the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. The organization's name originated as the code name for the system component responsible for intercepting satellite communications.
Echelon collects information through an extensive system of radio antennae and satellites that monitor satellite communications and sniffer devices that collect Internet communications from
According to recent reports, Echelon enabled intelligence gatherers to learn several months prior to the World Trade Center strike that some sort of large-scale action was planned, although the details were insufficient to avert it.deit is not clear how much detail was learned. While Echelon is clearly considered an asset by the intelligence community, some organizations and individuals are made uneasy by claims that the organization monitors well-intentioned endeavors, such as Amnesty International. The Scientific and Technical Options Assessment program office (STOA) of the European Parliament recently commissioned two reports looking into Echelon. These reports found: that the organization exists; that it routinely intercepts both personal and business communications, in probable contravention of human rights; and that stringent encryption practices should be followed to protect against Echelon's transgressive invasions of privacy.
As counter-terrorist activity intensifies following the events of September 11, 2001, Echelon activity is also considered likely to intensify.
general anaesthesia (AmE: anesthesia) is a state of total unconsciousness resulting from general anaesthetic drugs.
general anesthesia in its most general form can include:
- Analgesia: blocking the conscious sensation of pain;
- Hypnosis: producing unconsciousness;
- Amnesia: preventing memory formation;
- Paralysis: preventing unwanted movement or muscle tone;
- Obtundation of reflexes, preventing exaggerated autonomic reflexes.
General anaesthesia is a complex procedure involving:
- Preanaesthetic assessment
- Administration of general anaesthetic drugs
- Cardiorespiratory monitoring
- Analgesia
- Airway management
- Fluid management
- Postoperative pain relief
Friday, May 15, 2009
Secrets of Network Cartography: A Comprehensive Guide to nmap
Both TCP and UDP use the IP protocol to traverse the network
Nmap uses TCP/IP protocols to query workstations and the responses are interpreted into useful security information.
A port is a number between 1 and 65,535, and port number references are usually specific to an application.
TCP is not only needy, but it's also a very formal protocol.
ICMP is the tattletale of the network
ping is one of icmp's function.
nmap -v –p 80 ––randomize_hosts 192.168.0.*
nmap -v –p 80 ––randomize_hosts 192.168.1-2.*
nmap -v –p 80 ––randomize_hosts 192.168.1,2.0-255,
nmap -v –p 80 ––randomize_hosts 192.168.1-2.1,2-5,6-255 of Network Cartography:A Comprehensive Guide to nmap
Many of the most recent issues are based on Microsoft's implementation of raw sockets. Raw sockets are methods built into the operating system that allow a developer to bypass the normal TCP/IP processing of the kernel. This means that programmers can create customized (or raw) TCP/IP frames, a functionality that's critical for security programs. Many of nmap's functions make extensive use of these raw sockets.
Many of the most recent issues are based on Microsoft's implementation of raw sockets. Raw sockets are methods built into the operating system that allow a developer to bypass the normal TCP/IP processing of the kernel. This means that programmers can create customized (or raw) TCP/IP frames, a functionality that's critical for security programs. Many of nmap's functions make extensive use of these raw sockets.
With the implementation of Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), Microsoft has removed the ability to create TCP frames through the raw sockets Application Programming Interface (API). UDP packets with spoofed IP addresses are also prevented with SP2. To work around these SP2 raw socket issues, nmap was modified to create raw Ethernet frames instead of raw TCP/IP frames.nmap's raw socket functions can now only create frames on Ethernet networks.
Microsoft also implemented another TCP/IP stack change to Windows XP SP2 that limits the number of simultaneous outbound TCP connections. This has a chilling effect on nmap's TCP connect() scan (-sT), since this scan normally creates many TCP connections. There is at least one non-Microsoft patch that removes this limitation, but the use of this patch is outside the scope of this tutorial. The nmap-hackers mailing list archive has more information on Microsoft's changes and some of the workarounds:
This handshake is often referred to as the "three way handshake" because of the three frames that pass back and forth:
The First Frame – The initial synchronize (SYN) frame is sent from the station initiating the conversation to the destination station. The SYN frame includes initial sequence numbers and the port that will be used for the conversation, as well as other initialization parameters.
The Second Frame – The destination station receives the SYN frame. If everything is in agreement, it sends an acknowledgement to the SYN (called an ACK) and its own SYN parameters.
The Third Frame – The original station receives the ACK to its original SYN, as well as the SYN from the destination device. Assuming everything is in order, the source station sends an ACK to the destination station's SYN.
This handshake occurs every time a TCP session is established. It's this three-way handshake that allows nmap to gather so much information about the ports on a device.
If there's something going on, you can bet that ICMP(internet control message protocol) is going to be there to talk about it. ICMP is a multifaceted protocol that can identify an unreachable destination, redirect traffic to another network, identify routing loops, synchronize clocks, or identify when a router is overloaded.
ICMP is extremely helpful when nmap is scanning for available ports. If some UDP data is sent to another station using a port that's not available, an ICMP "port unreachable" message is usually sent back to the originating station as a notification that data using that particular port number isn't welcome here.
when ICMP is filtered or turned off,nmap can still interpret network responses to determine which ports are open or closed. Since many smart organizations do not allow ICMP to flow through their firewall, it's not always available for nmap to use.
One of ICMP's many functions is to send 'echoes' from one station to another, usually with a program called ping. This functionality is useful when troubleshooting a device's availability.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Do You Want To Live Forever? a documentary

In fact, more than 50 percent of those 45 and under in seven countries (including the United States) report that they don't want to live forever.
Channel 4 Documentary following the revolutionary life-extension and immortality ideas of this somewhat eccentric scientist, Dr. Aubrey de Grey. This show is all about the radical ideas of a Cambridge biomedical gerontologist called Aubrey de Grey who believes that, within the next 20-30 years, we could extend life indefinitely by addressing seven major factors in the aging process. He describes his work as Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS).
Computer scientist Aubrey de Grey believes he has the answer to eternal life. As a Cambridge University computer technician, Aubrey has been rubbing shoulders with the great and the good of academic biology. With an open mind and a hunger for knowledge, he has become conversant with the latest aging research.He is a man with a mission – to end the scandal of death. Ever the logician, Aubrey has identified 'seven deadly things' that cause aging and has proposed a solution for each.Only those outside the field of biology admire Aubrey's work; it seems hard to discover a biologist who does. Most point out that whilst he is well informed, he is naïve in the extreme. He has no experience in the lab and has no idea how hard it is to address these problems in real life.
Aubrey's Seven Deadly Things
Cell death
Cells of the heart and brain get damaged and die. They are not replaced and lead to a gradual loss of function in these organs. Aubrey believes that stem cell therapy will replace these missing cells.
Stem cell therapy isn't at this stage of development yet.
Proliferation of unwanted cells
Bit by bit, we lose muscle cells as we age and our bodies replace them with fat cells. Aubrey believes that it's possible to manipulate muscle cell genes that cause cell death with gene therapy.
Gene therapy has been much more problematic in trials than expected and will take many man hours of science to perfect the therapy for each individual condition.
Formation of protein cross-links
Hardening of arteries occurs by the formation of bonds between the proteins in the arterial walls called cross-links. They have the effect of making the artery walls harder, even brittle. Aubrey believes we can develop drugs to prevent these cross-links forming.
Research hasn't even begun on this yet.
Clear accumulated junk outside cells
Our bodies slowly build up junk outside our cells. The junk comes from the general wear and tear of life, illness, damage and toxic substances. The junk is generally encased in proteins to render it harmless. In the brain for example, junk is encased in amyloid protein, but too much amyloid can be harmful to brain functioning.
The ability to safely remove amyloid protein is a major focus of many neurobiologists who have already spent many years thinking about it. Aubrey hasn't done any research on this yet.
Clear indigestible junk inside cells
Some of the toxins that our bodies absorb are difficult to break down and excrete. In this case, the substances are sequestered or bound inside cells so that they become inactive and harmless. As we age, this junk accumulates in cells, until it eventually effects cell function. Aubrey has suggested that enzymes taken from the bacteria that break down bodies in graves might stop the accumulation of harmful junk, inside and outside cells.
Aubrey has done no research into this at all, although he claims that he has two labs working on it. Most biologists in the know feel that this is a gross over-simplification of the problem.
Repair genes in the cells engine
Almost all of our cells contain little structures called mitochondria. These are the cellular engines that convert energy from oxygen into a form that the cell can store and utilise. These structures contain their own genes, which are prone to accumulate mutations causing an array of degenerative effects. Aubrey suggests we replace mitochondrial genes by gene therapy.
Since gene therapy in itself is far from a routine procedure, this solution seems rather over-optimistic.
Repair chromosomal genes
The DNA that makes up our chromosomal genes is prone to accumulate mutations as we age. Some of these mutations will be harmless, but others can lead to cell degeneration, inappropriate cell proliferation and even cancer. Aubrey believes that regular replacement of our chromosomal DNA will save us from aging.
Once again, nice idea Aubrey, but how is it to be done?
So what now?
Until Aubrey comes up with genuine laboratory evidence showing that he can achieve some of these goals, we are stuck with aging whether we want to live forever, or not.
Meantime, many of us, including research biologists, will try to slow down the aging process by tried and tested means – by taking in lots of antioxidant-rich fruit and vegetables, keeping a balanced diet and exercising regularly. Most of us also manage to moderate the level of toxins that we put into our bodies. Aubrey, on the other hand, appears to be advancing the speed with which his own body ages with regular bouts of early morning beer drinking.
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Sunday, May 3, 2009
From"The alchemist by paulo coelho"
Its a one's inability to choose its destiny.
If you start out by promising what you don't even have met,you'll lose your desire towards getting it.
Sometimes its better to leave the things as they are.
One shouldn't be the jealous of the freedom of the mind.
Butterflies were the good omen.
When you really want something ,the universe always conspire in your favour.
Everything in life is an omen.
Elixir of life.
Hope is an abstract idea not concrete.
Love is a common language of universe through which you can communicate the whole vast cruel universe.
If you want to learn learn from your journey so,path your journey towards is a long journey.
Listen to your heart,it knows all things because it came from the soul of the world.and it 'll one day return there.
Fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.
I am not going any farther.
Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits him.
The lightest hour of the night is just a collection of moment just before the dawn.
That's a philosphor stone & elixir of life.
Trust in your heart but never forget that you are in the desert.
Your eyes shows the srength of the soul.
Everything in the universe is evolved.